Hey Lou Writes

The Grey Matters

Eat Like Your Life Depends On It (Which It Does)


This made me cry. Twice. First, because of the truth this video represents and how sad, in my soul, these facts make me.

Then I had a real tear of joy… because there are people who are fighting the current food system… and they give me so much hope, I can hardly stop smiling.

This new blog series, Eat Like Your Life Depends On It, is something I’ve been contemplating for a long time. The last thing I want to do is push people away from healthy food choices. I know from experience that having a “hippy agenda” or a “radical point of view” can be a big turn off. I try to remain positive in my outlook and the way I share my passion for real food.

I, too, was once skeptical. I have said OUT LOUD (wish it wasn’t true…), “Who cares if it’s organic? It tastes the same.”

But now, I’d like to seriously take back those words.


A. Real food and “conventional” food do NOT taste the same

B. I care very greatly if it’s organic, but more than that… I care if it’s local, because sometimes small operations can’t afford the fancy organic labeling

C. That comment was made by a version of myself who had a lot to learn. And so I did learn. And I’m still learning every single day.

If you care about your health and the long term health of those you love, keep reading my blog series.

Find out why I believe in organic farming and local eating so so so so much. Find out why I could easily cry, for many reasons, at the thought of the video Chipotle has just released.

Find out why I care. 

Someday, you might just leave your microwave, food-like-substances, and “cheap food coupons” in the dust like I did.

You might also save money, both now, and later in life when you aren’t taking medication for any number of ailments.

I can promise you’ll smile with me, laugh with me, cringe a little with me, and continue to learn, the way I will never stop learning.

The best is yet to come!

real food, organic, gmos, gardening, chipotle ad

Kate Burn Photography


Love, Lou

Author: Melinda Haas

Melinda is a writer, blogger, artist and teacher. She lives in Wisconsin with her family.

10 thoughts on “Eat Like Your Life Depends On It (Which It Does)

  1. That poor cow in the video…. broke my heart!

  2. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this new blog series!!! I was really sick last week and ended up having a huge epiphany about my health and the things I was putting in my body. I gave my fridge and pantry a total makeover but I’m still in need of a lot of guidance and I can’t wait to learn from you!

  3. Mel this is great! I can’t wait to read what you’ve got to say! That video was so sad!!

  4. A powerful message, indeed. I love how more and more of these videos are being made so that more and more people will become aware of what is happening. (And I recognized Fiona Apple’s voice!)

  5. Pingback: Well that took a while…. | peaceshantipaz

  6. Pingback: LIVE Like Your Life Depends On It (How I Want To LIVE) | Hey Lou Writes

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